Harley is a hoot! She loves: making animal noises, playing outside, pointing at things and saying what they are or what they 'say', shoes, making funny faces, folding her arms when we sit down to dinner, pulling her earrings out (
UGH!-we put the original lock backs on and she stopped), hugging her doll, pushing her stroller with all kinds of stuff in it, putting hats on (
she looked at a man in a restaurant today that had a hat on, pointed to her head and said "hat". Then she took off her headband because she wanted a hat on), going to the park, going on walks, dancing, and hanging out with Papa! She LOVES papa!!


shoe lover

Also, I went to sneak into her room on Saturday and noticed she had a little bum showing. Then, I looked at her again and realized she had ALOT of bum showing....she had taken her diaper off (thank goodness it wasn't poopy!) and it was on the ground. No more sleeping w/out bottoms on!

Don't mind the added yellow flowers ;-)
such cute pics! she is adorable. i love that little girl! i think its cute that she's already loving shoes like her mama. thanks for the update!
oh, and that's the H&M hat right? :)
that smooshy face picture with her baby is the cutest. I love smooshy face pics.
She is so cute!!! Love the pictures!! So funny the other day when she had a bare bottom in bed with her diaper on the floor!
those alphabet letters are the best traci!!!!
and harley is adorable! i cannot believe how grown up she is! that is so hilarious about her taking off her diaper!!
She's too cute ( I did look at this when you posted it, btw) I love her CHEESE smile haha
I did read this post when you posted, but obviously no comment...love this fun stage!
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