Word for 2009
Baby Names
Baby Clothes
Baby Fingers
Baby Toes
Baby Blankets
Baby Cries
Baby Love
Baby-after trying for 2 years
Baby #1
Baby DUE-September 2nd, 2009 (around)
Baby, we are SO excited!
(I am barely 6 weeks…I know it’s early to tell, but we are SO excited! And I wanted to tell all of you!)
How exciting Traci!!!! I can't wait!!! How fun! (now I need to catch up!)
i hope you have a smooth uneventful pregnancy!
woot woot! i'm so excited to have another niece/nephew nearby! yay yay yay!!!! love you guys!
you are so cute. LOVE the post! congrats congrats congrats to you & scott!
love you. hope everything goes super smoothly for you!
WOO HOO!!! I'm SOOO excited for you guys! having a baby is The BEST thing ever!! YEY.. CONGRATULATIONS:) Can't WAIT to see the progress!!! hey Sept. 2nd is my dads bday! it's a good one:)
I LOVE the cute new blog by the way! Keep with it!
you little turd! texting me all that and me telling you to get on it & NO hint... just rude! jk congrats! sorry you have to go through the summer though!!! and when you texted me last night i just thought you FINALLY switched to blogger! yea- all around: new blog, new baby, fun fun!!
and- you better get lookin on that website there's LOTS to choose from! that's when i found the set we got- when i didn't even know what we were having- just late one night on the internet we found a girl choice & a boy choice! babybeddingtown.com!
Your post is so cute! I am sooo excited for you two! I'm looking forward to more grandkids to play with! Love you!
Oh!!! Congratulations!! Babies are the best and I'm SO happy for you!!
Congrats Traci I am so excited for you. Thank you for coming to my baby shower. I'll keep you posted when he's here....by the way pregnancy goes so insanely fast start preparing NOW for baby, reading and buying etc.
HOLY CRAP!!! THAT IS so EXCITING!! YEAH!! I am so happy for you!! Hoorah!!
CONGRATS! That is so exciting!!!! Summer won't be fun but it'll definitely be worth it :).
Congratulations Icart!! My brother passed along your blog information so I will now officially be stalking you - jk. So very happy for you and your new family!!
CONGRATS!!! I can't believe I found your blog, you guys are SO cute!
So, so fun! We're in it together! :) So, I take it you've made the switch to blogger?
what are they all talking about? summer will be fantastic! hello lots of swimming, and laziness!! I'll do those 2 things with you, oh and all the eating! :) congrats, by the way we are feeling better so we need to hang out.
Traci!! You're having a baby?!?! I'm so excited for you. I hadn't heard even though all my friends know!! Well congrats!
8 weeks. wahoo! :o)
congrats!!! how fun will that be to have a lil baby in your lives!
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