Tuesday, June 1, 2010

9 Months....

Woweee....9 months already!
Stats: 17lbs 11oz (30%) * 27 1/2 in. (60ish%)


is enjoying some Sesame Street

is into hide n seek? haha...well, it seems that way.

LOVES to play on daddy's receiver...

The reason she has no pants on...cause I put them on her head.
loving her baths...

not too fond of being squirted in the face
waking up...with some awesome bed head!

Lookin cute :)
Her shirt says "Don't look at me... that smell is coming from daddy"

Yep...she's taking steps. I think 6 or 7 is her best right now.

We're in trouble...I know! I don't want her to walk yet. BUT, it's fun to see her do it!

A gift from my friends, the Murrell's...I love it!
(yes, it's meant to be for the motorcycle)

Spending time at Granny Gooses playing...
and swimming

Trying out her new crackers...

Trying to hit Grandma Riggs with a golf club...can you see that the club is in motion!?

*She likes to make noises by putting her tongue to the top of her mouth and making a clicking noise. She'll even copy me too! haha

*chewing on everything

*She's got NO teeth

*not much hair still...although it is thickening/filling in a little bit. I think it's gonna be light.

*she's very ticklish on her thighs. It's so cute to see her giggle!

Harley-we love you SO much! You are such a joy in our life and we don't know what we'd do without you! You love to laugh, play with your toys, get into things you're not supposed to, crawl away from us SUPER fast when you know you're not supposed to do whatever you're doing. You have liked everything we've fed you. Which is really surprising considering how picky I am. :) LOVE YOU HARLEY!


Tim and Amy said...

so cute. she is absolutely precious and i love how you are documenting so much. keep it up! i mean, it will be nice to look back on... but i like seeing everything right now! :O)

Lindsay Riggs said...

The walking pictures are so cute! (Annie's loves to crawl too much to try taking steps yet, which is fine with me cause Riley was already walking by now...) That pic of her swinging the golf club cracked me up! And, her stats- how funny that Harley's a little peanut now compared to Annie! :)

Mom said...

Such fun pictures! So cute of her sitting on the floor looking up at the TV! And trying to hit me with the golf club! lol It was fun having you come over! So fun to see her walk too! That shirt is funny! Love you!

The Clonts Column said...

She is walking!!! Holy hannah thats awesome! What a smart girl. Girls do learn faster:) Nixon just puls and pushes on his belly lol. Still pretty fast though. She is such a doll:)And Getting so big:)