Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pam knows style...

So, Scott bought this gown so I could have a cute one when I had Harley....
Well, a couple weeks back, Pam from The Office had her baby and she was wearing the SAME gown. haha...


Mom said...

Very cool!!

Tim and Amy said...

so cute. love that pic of you & harley. hope your week back after SB is going well!

laurice. said...

very cute!

jill s said...

haha! that's so awesome!!

Unknown said...

I had no clue they made cute gowns! Super sweet pic of you and your daughter :)

mindy said...

thats so freakin cool!!! awesome.

Heather said...

That's funny! I've got 2 months left before baby #2 gets here and would LOVE to know where to shop for a cute comfy gown??

Traci said...

Heather- we got the gown at