Wednesday, June 30, 2010


yep....10 MONTHS OLD. I HATE how fast time is flying by. Harley won't stop growing! I just can't seem to make it stop. Well, I guess I'll just have to face it. She's been taking steps for over a month now. She is walking everywhere-of course with some stumbles here and there-but she amazes me!

She's about 19ish pounds. Still loves Sesame Street.

Loves to push things around-especially our kitchen chairs.

While she's sleeping she's all over the place, stickin her cute little bum in the air. :)
so sweet

Hides in corners and small spaces.

She has a rice cracker in her hand...she loves em.
They taste like a plain rice cake....but sound & look kinda like styrofoam.

How on earth she got back there I don't know!
so innocent
She's been doing this a lot lately...just stops and puts her head on the ground for a second
LOVES swimming & being in water- although she doesn't particularly love being on her back :)

My grandma got this wonderful (SARCASM) suit for Harley. I am not a fan of floaties. I've told her I don't like them. (my opinion) Of course, she thinks they're good so you don't have to constantly be holding your child. Well, needless to say, it was WAY too big for her & she was falling over (quite funny!) So, she got to wear her own suit. PHEW!
Hanging out at Gran's
She puts the ducks in her mouth, then crawls or stands and walks with it. lol she cracks me up!
Crawls fast. Walks a lot. Kinda starting to walk fast/run a little.
Crawls/walks really fast when you try and chase her and laughs while
Here's hoping time will slooooooow down & summer will last forever! HA


Tim and Amy said...

so so cute. thanks for the update. much needed break from work today. she is darling indeed. love all the pics! hilarious about walking with the duck in her mouth.

Lindsay Riggs said...

Gran brought out that floaty thing when we were there on Saturday...nice. Harley's definitely a little mover! Annie just turns into a limp noodle every time we try to get her to walk. She's NOT interested. Cute pics, as always!

Brianne said...

She is so cute! I love the purple shirt picture and the one in her high chair! She is seriously a babe! Kinda sad that weak sauce Beck only weighs 19 lbs. 8 oz. He needs to bulk up some! I still can't believe she is walking. She's amazing!!!

Kiera said...

She is sooo cute!!! She's getting all tan from all the swimming:) I can't believe she is walking! They get more and more fun as they grow even though it's sad to:) She's adorable!!

Heather said...

Seriously so CUTE!