Scott woke up and went in to Harley's room to get her and found the poster on the recliner in her room. Then the basket on the table. The basket had a shirt and an eMachine 250 netbook.
He got this lovely poster...
It reads "Happy Birthday Sugar Daddy! You are one Hot Tomale and SweetTart. I was gonna get you a Whatchamacallit but instead here's 100 Grand. Don't let it slip through your Butterfingers. Take 5 and have a FastBreak before work tomorrow. You are my Lifesaver. Without you we wouldn't be the 3 Musketeers. Hugs & Kisses. (They were in the same bag!!) Love, your Tootsie Roll and Harley
At work he got this...
After work we went to Joes Farm Grill and got the $10 off. It was pretty good! I hope you had a great birthday honey!! LOVE YOU!!!
get ready for farmgrill again in 2 weeks. & great job on the poster! turned out great! looks like harley wants the laptop... hmmm, or maybe she was stealing it for me?
scott- hope you had a fabulous bday!
The poster is so cute!! Nice job! That pic is cute with Harley in it!
love it! you are so cute & thoughtful. that's awesome - hope he had a fabulous day.
and yeah! i've never been to farm grill but i hear fabulous things. maybe/possibly we'll go when i'm there.
yummmmm farmgrill! and such a cute poster!!!
Way to get creative on the poster! Good job!
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